Sunday, January 28, 2007

Self Discovery

You don't see things as they are;
You see things as you are.
The world that surrounds you
Is but the mirror image of your inner reality.
What you see in other people
Is in reality that part of yourself which
You have identified in the other.
So whatsoever you think or say about others
You are actually thinking and talking about yourself.

When you find things to admire, cherish, appreciate, encourage and praise
In other people, it is that fountain of self-worth, purity, integrity
and self-confidence within you, that is overflowing
and watering the lives of others.
On the other hand, when you find yourself complaining, condemning,
and criticizing others; if you are always feeling jealous and bitter
Then you betray the fact that deep within,
You feel worthless, mean, and insecure.

It takes a pair of dirty eyes to see anything bad.
If your eyes are pure, you will see all things as good, beautiful and pure.
God is of too pure eyes to behold evil.
Evil exists only in the mind that perceives it.
So if today there is anything or person or circumstance in your life
Which you consider bad, mean, filthy, evil or disgusting, then realise
That it is your own eyes that need to be purified.

Pay attention to the things that move you
And in them you will discover your true nature.

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